A few years ago, I was selected for jury duty. I wasn’t too excited about the idea, but I enjoyed watching, learning and being a part of the judicial system.
The relationship between the defendant and his lawyer particularly amazed me. The lawyer did all the talking, negotiating, persuading and decision-making. The defendant just sat there while the lawyer did all the work.
That’s what I see Jesus doing in heaven right now for each of us. He is seated at the right hand of God the Father interceding for us.
“If anyone does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense–Jesus Christ, the Righteous One” (1 John 2:1b).
Jesus is your spiritual Lawyer seeking God on your behalf. Even when you are weary and worn down, Jesus continues on. He is striving, pressing forward, moving ahead for you. Not just all of mankind, but he is talking to God for ____________. (Insert your name.)
Isn’t it a nice feeling to know that the Judge will not render a verdict until Jesus has finished his defense for you? What a peaceful feeling to know that he is there in heaven at the Throne of Justice speaking for you. And even more incredible, we have already won the case. He paid the price for our wrongs. He has served our time. He has endured our punishment.
Today, I encourage you to rest in the fact that Jesus is interceding for you. He is on your side!
Prayer: Father, help me to remember that Jesus is there, seated at your right hand, speaking for me. Give me the peace and courage that comes from knowing that my Savior is interceding for me.