An intrusive thought. A flash of fear. A rush of adrenaline. Panic!
Your body prepares to run or fight. Your mind races uncontrollably. Frantically, you try to find an escape. But how do you run from your mind?
These episodes of terror are very real. If you’ve ever battled anxiety or panic attacks, then you’ve experienced a season of fear. But there are seasons for everything–seasons of change, seasons of perseverance, seasons of pain, and seasons of joy. These one hundred life experiences are designed to take you on a journey into the Season of Peace. Each inspirational message includes three discussion questions and a prayer.
I could not go to the grocery store or to church. I was almost housebound. These messages are like finding an oasis in the desert of anxiety, panic and fear. • Donna, Retired
I found great peace reading these devotions. I sometimes doubt the Lord and doubt that he really does love me, but reading these devotions has made my relationship with God stronger, because each one I read seems to be written specifically for me. • Jennifer, College Student
I always enjoy reading these messages, but when I’m having a panic attack or a little anxiety, they are like a life raft in the middle of a raging sea, reaching out to save my drowning soul. • David, Entertainer
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