When I think of a person who has experienced the terror, the pain, the bondage of crippling anxiety, one word comes to mind: brokenness. Brokenness is a place where all human effort is shattered.
A place where hope becomes the only source of strength.
A place where the foundation of faith will be tested.
A place where there is no one to trust but God himself.
I love the story of Joseph. His life exemplifies brokenness. As a young lad, he was rejected by his brothers, sold as a slave and held in prison for years. Why? Because he shared his dreams, his God-given dreams.
Can you imagine what must have gone through his mind throughout all those years? “Why me? What have I done to deserve this pain, this suffering?” Yet, even in prison, Joseph held on to his integrity. When approached and seduced by Potiphar’s wife, he held fast to his convictions and ran away, risking death and more suffering for the sake of righteousness.
As Joseph continued serving the Lord with a pure heart, God exalted him, raising him to the position of steward over the prison. During this time, he interpreted the dreams of two men who served Pharaoh. Then, two years later he was called before Pharaoh to interpret the king’s troublesome nightmares. After successfully interpreting the dreams, Joseph was placed second in command over all of Egypt.
Joseph’s brokenness opened a door for God’s hand of blessing and provision–not only for Joseph, but for his entire family as well.
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalms 51:17).
Joseph’s life–full of pain and rejection–was a sacrifice. Brokenness is far from a pleasant experience. In fact, it is very painful. But, only when a vessel is broken can light shine through the cracks. God does not reject a broken and contrite heart. Your brokenness can also be a sacrifice to God.
Prayer: Father, I have been hurt by others and by my own actions and decisions. My heart aches like a broken bone, which has not yet mended. I realize that I cannot put the pieces back together–forgive me for even trying. I offer these pieces to you as a sacrifice. Do with my heart as you will.