Do you ever feel forsaken by God? Abandoned? Rejected? Does God seem so far away that no matter how high you reach, he is unreachable still? Do you feel as if you are standing in a desert with no water, no shade, no rest in sight? Do you cry out in prayer but hear no obvious response to your pleas of desperation?
Job felt this way: “Why do you hide your face and consider me your enemy? Will you torment a windblown leaf? Will you chase after dry chaff?” (Job 13:24-25).
King David experienced this loneliness: “Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” (Psalms 10:1).
Even his own son Jesus felt rejected by his Father. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
The Bible is full of people who felt rejected and abandoned by God. Loneliness and rejection filled their hearts. Questions and doubts filled their minds when God didn’t respond the way they thought he should.
Many times, what we feel and what is real are quite different. Our faith should not be based on our feelings, but on the truth. When you read through the Bible, you are reading truth. Applying that truth–even when your feelings are saying the opposite–is a bold step of faith.
God says,
“Don’t be afraid” (Luke 12:7).
“I love you” (Isaiah 43:4).
“I rejoice over you” (Zephaniah 3:17).
“I will protect you” (Psalms 20:1).
“I will deliver you” (Psalms 50:15).
“Trust me” (John 14:1).
Throughout the Bible, we are instructed to trust God. Trusting God means that you don’t follow your feelings–you follow God. Feelings can deceive you. Never trust your feelings when they go against the Word of God. The enemy will speak lies to your mind and cause your feelings to flounder. When you follow your feelings and let doubt rule in your mind, you will be “like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6).
This is so true with fear and panic. Adrenaline races through your body. A tornado of feelings and doubts whirls through your mind. Yet, God whispers to your heart, “Don’t listen to those thoughts. Trust me.”
When you take that step of faith and trust God in the middle of your storm, God’s hand will reach down and touch you. The peace and confidence of knowing God is there will flood your soul. It is a wonderful peace–a peace that passes understanding.
Today, open your heart to faith: faith to not follow your feelings; faith to listen to God; faith to trust your Father.
Prayer: Father, I understand that your peace is not a feeling, but a fact. Remind me whenever I feel anxious or afraid that you will never leave me. Do not allow me to be fooled by fleshly feelings, but help me to live by faith in your unfailing truth.