When the storms of anxiety and fear blow into your life, they’re often carried by the winds of doubt. “Will I ever get through this?” “Is this the one?” “God are you still there?” “Oh, I feel so alone.”
I used to think doubt and faith were opposites–like night and day, black and white, good and evil. They seem contrary to one another. “Either you have faith or you have doubt. One can’t exist in the presence of the other.” Yet, the more I study, the more I realize that faith and doubt are like sisters–related, but different.
If you had absolutely no doubt in your mind, would you need faith? No, for faith is the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is what you hold on to when the winds of doubt pound hard against your soul.
My definition of faith has changed over the years. I used to think faith was this ability to muster up enough “belief” in something until there was no more doubt. But that’s not faith. Faith is how you respond in the presence of doubt.
At one particular point in his ministry, Billy Graham was experiencing a dark period in his life. He felt as if God had disappeared. I’m sure his mind was filled with doubts. He wrote to his mother about the experience, and she replied, “Son, there are many times when God withdraws to test your faith. He wants you to trust Him in the darkness. Now, Son, reach up by faith in the fog and you will find that His hand will be there.”
Yes, the winds of doubt will storm into your life, but think of your faith as a kite. As the wind of doubt blows harder, it will lift your faith, your kite, higher into the sky. As long as your kite of faith is firmly fashioned in Jesus Christ, then it will weather the storms of doubt.
Doubt and faith can coexist. As a kite without wind cannot fly, neither can your faith be lifted higher without the winds of doubt.
“Without faith it is impossible to please [God], for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).
This week, let me encourage you to seek God. Seek him with all your heart. He rewards those who diligently seek him. You will find him with you search for him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). That’s a promise from God.
Prayer: Father, my mind struggles with doubts, but today, I choose to trust you. I put all of my faith in you. Even when doubts come crashing in, my faith is in you.