“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalms 37:4).
What are the desires of your heart?
How can you attain these things? What effort and strength do you have to put into those desires to receive them? The scripture simply says to “delight in the Lord.” When you delight in God, he will fulfill those desires. It’s not something a person can do. God is the one who fulfills the desires of your heart.
“So, how do I delight in the Lord?” you may ask.
The Hebrew word for delight is anag, which means “to be soft, to be delicate, to be dainty. The connotation has to do with taste–to delight in a delicacy. You can almost taste it. Psalm 34:8 declares, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.”
To delight in the Lord, we must…
Make it a habit to delight in the Lord. Taste and enjoy his goodness. Soon, the desire of his heart will become the desire of your heart.
Prayer: Father, I long to delight in you. You say that you will bless me if I merely rest and enjoy you; and yet I’m not sure I know how to do that. Please help me to taste and see that you are good.