Another common fear for me is the concern about my family’s safety. When my wife goes somewhere–to the grocery store or to the mall–I worry about her and my son. That ugly cycle of “what if’s” consumes my thoughts.
What if they are in an accident?
What if someone attacks them?
What if…
What if…
Someone shared with me the following scripture when I explained this cycle of worry over my family: “I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day” (2 Timothy 1:12b).
Even though most “what if’s” are out of our ultimate control, we can find it so difficult to commit them to God. The key to victory over these fears is relinquishment. I am learning each day to entrust my family to God when those ugly “what if’s” come crashing in. I know God is able to protect them. He is big enough to watch over them.
There are still times when I am suddenly consumed with fear about them or their safety. So, I immediately pray for their protection and re-commit them to God. Peace soon follows. However, this is not a one-time fix. The scripture says, “…for that day.” I must pray daily over them.
If you face fears like these over loved ones, entrust them to God daily. Each morning, ask God to watch over them and keep them safe. Pray for protection and peace. Commit them to his care. Then let God do his job.
Prayer: Father, God of the Universe, I know that you have special plans for my family and for me. Forgive me for trying to control my own life. I commit myself, my loved ones and our safety to you.