“Russell, I’m tired and weak. My faith has failed me. I don’t know what to do.”
“I feel so faithless, like God has abandoned me.”
“I feel so alone. I have no faith to carry me through these difficult times.”
Do you feel faithless, like God has given up you?
Do you feel like God’s not even listening to you?
Are you on the verge of giving up?
If so, let me quote this incredible promise from the Bible:
“If we are faithless, [God] remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself” (2 Timothy 2:13).
When you are at your weakest, when you are ready to give up, when you are tired from fighting, know this: God is faithful.
- He will never leave you.
- He will never forsake you or abandon you.
- He will always remain faithful to you.
- He will never give up on you.
He can’t because he has promised to take care of you in Jesus. If God did give up on you or abandon you, all of creation would cease to exist, because he would have to disown himself. The fact that you are alive and breathing and reading this message is proof that God is faithful and that he will take care of you.
At one particular point in his ministry, Billy Graham was experiencing a dark period in his life. He felt as if God had disappeared. He wrote to his mother about the experience, and she replied, “Son, there are many times when God withdraws to test your faith. He wants you to trust him in the darkness. Now, son, reach up by faith in the fog and you will find that his hand will be there.”
Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, I feel so alone right now. My faith has failed me. I feel so faithless right now. I don’t know what to believe. Please help my unbelief. Father, you alone are my strength. You alone are my peace. Help me to trust you with all of my heart. Give my mind the strength it needs to trust you no matter what. Help me put aside all of my selfish ambitions, my vain techniques and my empty prayers. Empower me to believe and trust you through these dark nights and lonely times. Even though I may not see you, hear you or feel you, help me know that you are here, holding me, taking care of me and watching out for me. I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.