- Jennifer – experiencing tragedy at an early age.
- Julie – learning to trust and obey.
- Linda – the flight of her life.
- Pete – no longer afraid of “sudden fear”.
- Carlos – embraced at 30,000 feet.
- Lauren – takes her first step on the path to total peace.
- Judie – loses her mom, but finds her Father.
- Carl – showered with peace.
- Joyce – comes to trust her Father.
- Stephanie – finds healing from a physical condition.
- Lina – learns to feel fear and not let it scare her.
- James – finds peace puddle jumping with God.
- Tim – learns about proper breathing and God.
- Russ – finds peace from the Prince of Peace.
- Keegan – learns to cast her burden on the Lord.
- Kimberly – as free as an eagle.
- Brian – no place to turn except towards God.
- Robin – finds freedom from worry through God.
- Bob – find peace in confession and repentance.
- Jane’s Hummingbird – A real life parable.
- Cindy – finding life through death
- Earl Campbell – A heartbeat away from panic
- Daniel – Finds strength in the Word of God
- Stan – Put your faith in God
- Irene – Healed and Delivered
Jennifer’s Story
I have suffered from panic attacks ever since I can remember. They started when I was less than five years old. I was born in 1967.
It all started when I witnessed a young boy (younger than me at the time, maybe 3 or four years old) get hit and killed by a speeding truck while he was riding his bike across the street. Thankfully, I do not remember the real gorry details but then I remember clearly the people and intense panic in the streets. I remember medical personal and policemen everywhere. I was in sheer terror. My mother dragged me away quickly and got me away from the scene as quickly as she could. That was my first experience with death. I knew he was dead. I took it really hard and just was convinced that I was gonna die soon. That was when the reality that we don’t live forever hit. And just imagine. I was not even 5 years old yet. I was in for a long and scary life ahead of me.
I also had a very insecure childhood. My father left when I was very young and I remember feeling like it must me by fault. I just remember being scared all the time. My life was dark. I still feel like that sometimes. When the episodes come on for whatever reason. So many different things trigger them. The best way to describe it is my life feels dark. And there is no getting away. I used to get the attacks so bad I threw up. I was totally convinced that I was losing my mind and needed to be in a mental hospital.
Thankfully, I don’t get a lot of the full blown panic attacks like that anymore, but when I did, the best way to describe it was that feeling you get when you are on a roller coaster and making the long drop to the ground. That is the feeling I would get in my stomach. Then I would get this wash of fear and my whole body would “step out of itself”. I felt like I was not even there anymore. I could not hear a thing anyone said to me. I could look at them and act like I was listening. But I heard nothing.
My heart would race…. sometimes I felt as if I would faint…. and my body got real tight… my stomach would get so tense that I threw up…. it was awful. I really can’t remember how I got over them…. I think I just lied down and waited for them to pass….I remember wishing I could just run…. in fact, I think I did a few times…. but no matter where you go…there you are.
I remember one time I was convinced I was having a heart attack and made my boyfriend (who is now my husband) rush me to emergency…. I made him pass cars on residential streets, I was freaken so bad…. well, by the time we got there and the waiting, well, it did not matter anymore and I left…. but I remember living in fear of having more fear attacks….
But mostly now I go through the doom and gloom. The insecurities. The feelings that I am not gonna make it through the day…. I wanna go home and I have only been at work for an hour…. stuff like that.
I have completly given this “disease” to God. I have prayed earnestly that the Holy Spirit just fill my body and wrap me in its warmth. To give me peace and cast this fear aside. It has made all the difference in the world. We MUST go to God in prayer with this. He is our comfort and our salvation and will give us peace when we ask for it. I have heard this scripture over and over but now I think I finally heard it and understand it when God says:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:6-7
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Julie’s Story
An amazing testimony…. and a familiar one. I am 28 years old. Independent. Self-sufficient. Active. I have had only two panic attacks in the past year. However, for one year I have had persistent anxiety. Nervousness beyond belief.
I had my attack while driving on a long stretch of turnpike. One year later, I fear the highway. I have just recently learned to not fear driving in traffic. You are right, there is no miracle cure. I do take Buspar, which the Lord is using to bring me back to my old self. I do take medication, but I believe the Lord is telling me it is okay. I prayed for help for over a year. Afraid to take medication… I never took it. Finally I broke down and filled a prescription for Buspar. Along with my faith in God, the medication is helping tremendously. Buspar is non-addictive and there are no side-effects.
I am a Christian, I believe God is healing me of this fear and affliction. My hope that overcomes my fears is that someday God “will” heal me. I just have to trust and be patient. He is working in my life… and I believe this trial has come to bring me closer to Him.
Before my illness, I was far from the Lord. Today, we are closer than ever. I rely on him… my every move I rely on him. He’s become my rock. I know…. I absolutely know that God is by my side, at home, in the car, at work and at night in the peace and quite of the darkness. Do not be afraid. God is with you. He’s with me. What a wonderful, wonderful security.
Yes, it would be easy to give up and wish to die. But, God has a plan for me and for you. Seek that plan. Want to know what God has in store for you here on earth. Know that he has a purpose for your life. Fear or no fear… God is with us. He’ll protect us. And when you begin to have an attack or feel faint as I often do….Pray. God will see you through. He loves you. I thank God for my life! For my family and their understanding through these difficult times in my life. I am so blessed. Thank you Lord for your love and your sacrifice for my sins.
What a friend we have in Jesus. Trust and Obey. Two of my favorite hymns. Believe and trust that the Lord will protect you. I believe there is power in prayer. Please pray for me, as I will be prayer for you.
Linda’s Story
I have been house bound with panic attacks for the last 15 years, only having ventured out of my home 3 or 4 times. I live in a very small town where going to a doctor is really very simple but, for me, it was a nightmare just going to the car.
In late March I became very ill with kidney failure and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. I was more afraid of the fear than of my kidney problem. After accessing my problem, i was immediately air lifted to another hospital about 400 miles from home. As I was being placed in the plane for transport, I told my son goodbye, as I didn’t think I was going to make it. I was near death or, so I thought. In the plane, I began to speak with God and make peace with Him. I suddenly became very calm and peaceful. I had NO fear at all and became very aware of my surroundings. I looked out the small window of the plane and admired the beauty of the clouds.
When i got to the hospital, I was placed on dialysis and my month long stay in hospital was a “touch and go” situation but, still no fear.
When time came for my release from hospital, my husband drove me the 400 miles home and was amazed that I could not even remember what a panic attack felt like. I am convinced that God allowed me to feel the fear of dying so that I might be able to cope with the fear of living.
Today, I am able to go out to restaurants, shopping, go to movies….do all the things I have not been able to do for 15 years. God saved my life in more ways than one. Yes, there will always be some anxiety but, that is normal in life and I am now able to cope with it, with God’s help.
Pete’s Story
While I was in the Marine Corps back in the late 70’s, I smoked marijuana quite heavily. Over a few months, my “friends” wanted me to take LSD. I had a personal conviction that I would never fool with chemical drugs or needle types. I finally gave in after several months of this prompting.
The night that I took the LSD, I missed the “party” and was left by myself in my room. I really didn’t have a hallucination experience, but what was pronounced about the experience was that I was plagued with negative thoughts. A thought that haunted me was, “what makes you happy…” The tragic thing was that I couldn’t come up with anything.
For several years I had flashbacks and terrible mental torment as a result of this. It accelerated to a point where I lost much weight and saw a doctor. The doctor told me that I was fine, but she recognized that something was bothering me. All I knew was that I was so full of fear that I couldn’t rest or eat.
A few years, about 1982, I had a major panic attack while in a restaurant. Initially, the panic attacks were attacking my mind. Great confusion as well as the typical impending doom feelings. I thought I was going crazy. I went to the bathroom stall to collect myself. It was the darkest moment of my life to that point. My wife drove me home, for I was unable at that time.
I basically hid in the house. I was still functional–working, going to college, playing in a top 40 band–but inside I was full of fear.
In 1983, I took a class on perspectives of death and dying. While in the class I was responsible for a term paper. The term paper I chose was “Life after death.” My research took me to the Bible, for I knew that Jesus had been believed to have been raised from the dead. Though I was raised in the Greek Orthodox church and Catholic school for one year, I seemed VERY ignorant of Christ and his words. When I read them, they were the most powerful words of passion I had ever seen.
One day I was reading about the women who had the bleeding problem for 12 years and when she touched Jesus she was healed. When he spoke to the crowd and asked who it was that touched him, she replied that it was she. With that he assured her to be of good cheer that her faith had made her whole. That day, Jesus laid that same assurance on my heart. I felt tremendous. Fear was instantly gone. I rejoiced in this new relationship with Christ and felt that the misery was gone forever.
Since then, I have had anxiety and panic. It can be very discouraging because, I feel so embarrassed when I go to the doctor with my heart fluttering, or pulse up above 100 seeking if I have heart disease and the diagnosis is “anxiety.” Then you look at the scriptures, and I know them well–at least I could encourage others to the power of Christ. It seems as if the anxiety is as natural to me as breathing. I am currently struggling with heart flutters. The ironic thing is that the doctor says to rest. But I must continue working to provide a living.
It currently seems almost impossible to think of good things. A feeling or signal from my body speaks, and I go to a chain of thoughts. It is difficult that after having a bunch of panic attacks to generate a positive attitude that this will pass. I have contacted a brother in Christ who had a period in his life where he struggled and we hope to get together weekly and spend time in prayer and in the word.
Proverbs 3:25 states “be not afraid of sudden fear…” Therefore I know that God is aware that some of us do experience sudden fear. He is with me, and it is my hope that I will achieve deliverance from this affliction.
Carlos’ Story
I’m a Christian and have suffered from Panic Attacks since I was 17. I’m 50 now and these have increased considerably in the last 13 years. Sometimes I think I can’t go on like this anymore.
I was traveling on business from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Dallas. I was returning a day earlier from my trip after three weeks because I caught a stomach virus. I had not eaten anything for the last 48 hours and was feeling very weak. The plane left at 1:00am. One hour into the trip I started to feel all the symptoms of a heart attack–pain across my chest–I couldn’t take a deep breath because of my stomach pain.
I was alone in the back in the coach section. My left arm went numb, and I started to feel very weak. Suddenly I felt closed in this plane and started having a full panic attack with claustrophobia (which I had never had before). I wanted to run and open a door to breath fresh air. I thought of calling the flight attendant for help but my cramps did not allow me to reach the button for help and then I thought that it was hopeless since by this time we were over the Amazon jungle and there was no place to land.
This is when I spoke the following words in prayer to the Lord: “Lord God, your Word declares in Isaiah 41:10, ‘Do not fear for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.’ ” As I finished speaking these words I heard very clearly, very close to my face “I am so close that can you can breath me.” Immediately I went for it and took a deep breath and in a nanosecond–in the twinkling of an eye–every symptom disappeared including the stomach cramps that had forced me to leave the country earlier. In fact the stomach virus vanished.
The physical sensation of wellness that followed was incredible! I had never felt so well in entire life. My additional bonus was feeling two strong warm arms coming from the back of the seat and embracing me with such love. They felt so real that I turned around to look and there was no one there that I could see. I felt so secure, so well so honored that the Holy Spirit of God had allowed me to feel Jesus’ love. I started to thank and praise Jesus with tears in my eyes, and I am still in awe trying to understand what had just taken place. It took me weeks to tell my wife what had happened to me in that night of November 16, 1995. Why would He do something like that for me? Me a sinner.
I cannot explain why God did this, and elected to do this the way He did it, but I can only conclude the following: When there is no way out and we have no other alternative than to ask and believe that He is and that He is, able and at the same time we speak His Word. He honors His Word each time only if we believe. Jeremiah 1:12 “You have seen correctly for I am watching to see that my Word is fulfilled”. I guess He wanted me to remember this all my life and share it.
I still have my panic attacks, but I know now how real God is when you need Him the most. God is Sooooo Good!!!!
I’ve had panic attacks for six years now and, frankly, I’m sick of them. I’ve tried medication, meditation, visualization…you name it, I’ve tried it. But just recently I discovered something else. First, I had every test run on my heart to find out if I was in danger of having a heart attack. It was EXPENSIVE, but I figure I’m worth it.
Then I decided to put my “money” where my mouth was. I love God. I love God more than anything else. Well, I figured if I was going to die then it must be God’s will. Also, I figured that if I was having panic attacks that must be God’s will too, so I decided to see what God wanted to show me from these experiences.
It didn’t take long to have an opportunity to see. I had a whopper. Mine always hit me at night when I’m asleep. I wake up terrified, heart racing, disoriented, sometimes extremely hot, other times VERY cold, so cold in fact that my teeth chatter uncontrollably and my skin feels like ice. My throat feels like it’s closing and I can’t get enough air, almost like I’m drowning in my own fear.
Well, in the midst of this terror–you know what it feels like–I decided to trust COMPLETELY in God. You know this is difficult. Many of you may laugh when reading this because “difficult” is such a silly word when you are faced with this terror. I said, “All right, God. If it is your will that I die, I accept it completely and praise your name.”
I bet you’ll think that it all got calm and peaceful, right? Nope. I started getting crushing chest pain. It no longer felt like a panic attack, it felt like a bonafied heart attack. But I kept saying, and believing, that if it was God’s will that I die, then I accept his wisdom. The pain grew so severe that it felt like a grown man was standing on my chest in golf shoes. I kept up with my belief that I wanted only to do God’s will.
My husband left me six months ago. He was often my comfort but I no longer had that person to support me. I’ve exhausted my local emergency room and my doctors are all too familiar with my attacks. If they’ve told me repeatedly that there is nothing wrong with my heart, despite cardiograms, stress tests, blood tests, sonograms and even those heart monitors you wear for twenty-four hours, I figure I’ve got to believe them at some point.
When the pain was the greatest, I fell asleep. I woke up hours later feeling refreshed and at peace and not a little surprised that I WOKE UP!. I’ve had about five attacks since but they are ridiculously minor in comparison. Each time, I just hand it over to God. I mean, for Heaven’s Sake, if you can’t trust God, who CAN you trust? Last night I woke up with the beginning of another attack and said, “God. I trust you completely! If this is your will, have at it.” I woke up eight hours later.
I find that you have to BELIEVE this exercise. It’s one thing just to say it, you have to believe it. But, if you’ve had as many panic attacks as I have over the years, you’ve got to get to the point where you HAVE to believe in something simply because the fear of NOT believing in too great.
I’m simply tired of this controlling my life. I’m tired of starting to feel terror around dusk, tired of wondering which pill to take, tired of wondering which person to call, which institution. I’m sick of staggering around my house in the middle of the night so terrorized that I can’t even remember what year it is, much less who to call. I want freedom! I know God loves me and I trust that he will help me. He IS helping me too. I feel His presence like never before.
I have also suffered for many years with this disorder. I have been in therapy and attended support groups–I went the whole route. I would carry in the car with me a paper bag for hyperventilating, smelling salts for passing out, a rubber band on my wrist for snapping myself back to reality and any other trick I would hear about. I lived too many of my years like this and no one can understand unless they have experienced it themselves.
I lost my mother about 6 years ago, and when she was living I would stop at her house on my way home from work. It was on my way and it would give me time to get relaxed and ready for my big three and a half mile ride home. (Isn’t that awful). You would have thought I had 25 miles to drive. I just couldn’t handle it comfortably.
Anyway one day after she died I left my work place and started to drive home and ended up turning off a side road and just sitting there crying. She wasn’t there and I couldn’t handle the drive home. I had nowhere to go. I cried out “Please God just let me be able to drive home“.
I did and when I got home, I went right to my couch and laid there just shaking. I asked God to please show me what it was I was so afraid of all my life. I just laid there and tried to be quiet and let him take control instead of me trying to. I was just so tired of doing it on my own. I felt I couldn’t do it anymore.
While I was lying on the couch and praying for help, I believe the Lord was telling me, “Judie, you have always picked up the phone and called someone to talk with to make you feel better. All the while, I was right here.”
As I lay there still terribly afraid, I looked at my the Bible laying on the table by my side. I said, “Lord I do not know if this is possible but I have to hear something from you right now. So, I am going to just open it and PLEASE say something to me.”
I opened to Psalm 91. I cannot quote you word for word, but what my mind absorbed was: “You no longer need to be afraid of the things of the day or the night. He will send his angles to wrap their wings around you and to protect you.”
As I lay there, a peace that I had never known came over me. Just about that time my husband came home from work. I told him to just let me close my eyes for a little while and then I wanted to talk to him. I knew something had taken place.
About a week later, I turned on a Christian channel and a program was just getting over with. (I had just lost my mother not long before this time. I was dealing with so much depression.) I heard the person on the TV show say, “If you would like a transcript of the program, call 1-800-Psalm 91.” The program had been how to deal with depression over loosing a loved one.
Can you believe it? Our God not only spoke to me once through Psalm 91, but twice. I was really convinced that he was listening and he would always be there for me.”
From that day until now I have not experienced a panic attack. There were days that I would be dealing with negative thinking and feel like I was falling in to that old pattern, but I would remind myself that God took care of that for me and I no longer have to be afraid . He did not give us fear.
I have been asked many times why I no longer have them and how I got over them. I tell them that the pills and sessions and all the other stuff never helped me. I got my help from the Lord.
Over the years I’ve had small symptoms of anxiety attacks. But recently–about three and a half weeks ago, I suffered the grand daddy of them all.
I was at work on my last break of the day, when suddenly, I looked up and it seemed as though I was looking through binoculars backwards. Everything was far away. Then my heart started beating faster and faster. I couldn’t catch my breath–as though there was no oxygen or air to breath. I tried to keep from hyperventilating by breathing into a paper bag. It helped for while, but I became even more panicked. I thought I was dying and having a heart attack.
I cried and cried. A 32 year old man crying in front of all his co-workers made the problem much worse. By this time I couldn’t even walk or breath. My heart raced faster and my chest hurt even more. My co-workers called my mother and father to come get me. When they wanted to call an ambulance, I refused. I would have thought for sure that I was really dying and probably would have had a heart attack.
I sought a physician’s help and was put on Xanax. It helps to a point, but I still feel the fear–the fear of going to work, being alone, dying and leaving my wife and daughter alone in this world without me.
There is one thing I will say: for most of my life, I turned my back on God. I said, “There’s no such God.” I even questioned his existence and turned to a Wiccan, paganistic way of life.
Then one night, I was laying in bed with my wife when I heard this voice say “Carl, read Psalms 73”. I blew it off thinking my head was playing games with me. I felt I would suffer these attacks the rest of my life and probably loose my job because of it.
I heard the words again, but I shrugged it off. On the third time, the words were spoken with force: “PEANUT, READ THE WORDS OF THY LORD AND BE COMFORTED”. Peanut was my nickname given to me by my late grandfather who passed away 24 years ago.
So I opened the book up, the book of God–the book I vowed to never read again. When I read Psalms 73, I started to cry. I’m crying even now as I type this message. I hold that Scripture dear to my heart each day.
There are times that I am still afraid of what’s wrong with me. Yes, there are days when I go to work and I need to leave. (I don’t know how much longer they can put up with me and these conditions I suffer.) I know miracles don’t happen overnight, but I do know God and Christ are there for me. For when I read Psalms 73, I am washed over with a warmth that can not be describe. Almost like taking a nice, hot shower but not getting wet.
I began teaching Sunday School when I was just 19 years old. My mother always kept us in church and I credit her for giving me a good foundation in church. I loved the Lord but I always thought there was more than I was experiencing. When I was in my mid 40’s my family went through a great crises that resulted in my new relationship with the Lord.
Here is what happened: three of my brothers and sisters (I had six) were diagnosed with cancer all within 1 month. The first began having headaches and was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. Before she was out of the hospital another sister was found to have cancer all over her body and was also terminal. Before she was out of the hospital my brother began spitting up blood and was diagnosed with lung cancer. My sister with the brain tumor died 2 years later and the other sister died 8 months after that. My brother had what I consider a miracle–he is still living. Just a year after my second sister died another sister had a mastectomy. She too is still living. Another brother died of heart failure about five years ago. My mom is 89 now and had to live through all this with her children.
I began having panic attacks when my sister had her mastectomy. There were other bad things going on besides these so I guess I just saw my world crumbling around me. I was waiting for the next person or persons to die. After a year of panic and anxiety I was able to trust God in a way I never had before. I got down on my knees and told Him that no matter what happened or who died even if it was me, I would trust Him completely and totally.
From that time on my life has not been the same. I still suffer with the anxiety disorder and really literally choke sometimes and have real difficulty breathing but I don’t react to it the same way. I look forward to being with my Father some day. I do have depression some times but even then I know that God cares and no matter how badly I feel He feels for me and is there for me. Life is very difficult for me but I am thankful that I can go to church and just about anywhere else I need to. I am not agoraphobic and that means a lot. I just can’t do all the activities I would like because I just don’t have the energy. But then I never did have a lot of energy.
Three and a half years ago, I got my first panic attack at a concert, and didn’t know what it was. Since then I have suffered very badly from this debilitating disease. The only thing in the last 6 months that has kept me going is my relationship with God, otherwise, I probably wouldn’t be alive right now.
But most recently, my attacks have been getting progressively worse, and once again the only time I feel I have freedom is either at church or Bible study.
I found a new doctor, a neuro-physchiatrist, and I explained to him my symptoms, which were panic attacks, butterflies in the stomach, numbness, seasonal disorder, some delusions, and racing thoughts. He immediately requested that I get a brain SPECT scan, because he suspected something deeper than panic disorder, he suspected Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. And he was right, this is what I have, and this is why I can’t control anything my body decides to do, such as panic and have racing thoughts. He immediately put me on Carbamezapine, which is an antiepileptic and I feel 100% better. I am overwelmed at the difference. My thoughts don’t race uncontrollably now and I am not scared of everything.
It is like a miracle. I just thought I would share this with you so you can pass this along to others. In my eyes, there are two different type of panic attacks: one is the type that virtually everyone has gotten and reoccurs once every couple of years. Then there are types like you and I and a whole host of others have, the ones that try and drive us into complete insanity, and those of us who have experienced these know what I am talking about.
I think it is important for everyone who has the debilitating panic attacks should consider a physical explanation of the attacks and look deeper, have the tests. I am overwhelmed how I feel. This is the most freedom I have experienced in 3 and a half years. I can finally live my life and not be afraid of everything in sight.
I have experienced panic attacks since I moved to Illinois from Canada last year (1997) . It was the worst feelings I have ever experienced. l was diagnosed with panic disorder while having an attack at the doctor’s office. By taking the right medicine and getting the right psychological and psychiatric treatment, I can say that I am myself once again. The most important person I have to thank is God. He put me in the right path where I found my husband. Through him, God showed me my strengths and weaknesses and I know that I can feel the fear and not allow it to scare me.
Thanks be to God on High! I have just returned from a vacation in Colorado and NO PANIC ATTACKS on my flights there and back. I even flew a puddle jumper over the mountains from Denver to Gunnison and back! I kept my focus on the Lord. I was nervous at first and thought several times during every flight that I might be slipping into a panic attack. But each time, especially during some rough air returning to Denver from Gunnison, I just said a prayer: “Okay Lord, I’m going to trust You here. You created the Earth and sky and all that is in it. Your love for me is overwhelming and incomprehensible. I will trust You, Lord. If I die here, I will trust you. I will trust you whatever you want to happen.” And it worked!!! Of course it works! I did some deep breathing. I also avoided caffeine, well, mostly avoided it, on the days that we flew and drastically cut back on the rest of the days. The one day I didn’t was the day the group we were with took a 4X4 trip high up in the mountains on a very narrow and rocky path. Scared the heck outta me! I know that if I hadn’t of had a half-dozen cups of regular coffee that I wouldn’t have had such a tough time trusting Him. I honestly think that satan encourages me to depend on caffeine rather than on God.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!!! Praise Him all creatures here below!!!!!
In the days leading up to our trip, I prayed that He would teach me how to trust Him. I didn’t know how! He was faithful and I had all sorts of moments where suddenly I understood what trusting God meant. He told me that if I couldn’t trust Him with removing my panic attacks, how could I trust Him with my eternal security??? I know trust Him with both! One day we were going to take an all-day horseback trip to the top of a nearby mountain. I was feeling very upset about this trip. Something didn’t seem right. I ended up in our room and just asked God what He I should do. Suddenly it was very clear: I hadn’t been spending much time with God, I hadn’t been spending much time relaxing with my family ( the purpose of the trip) and I was getting so busy that I was losing my focus on God and focusing on my self. Okay God, I will trust you. You don’t want me to Go on the trip, I won’t. And I didn’t. I had a great day just hanging around with my family and enjoying a relaxing time. I did go on several rides and even got caught in a rainstorm. It was a blast riding a horse at near gallop through narrow paths in a driving rain. I laughed the whole time!! My wife and daughter and I enjoyed a nice relaxing ride before that as well. When the rest of the group came back, they told how they enjoyed their day and it didn’t bother me that I did not go with them. The Lord had other plans for me that day. What they were, I may never know.
Thank you God that I can now fly without being drugged into a near stuporous state! It is wonderful feeling the love of our Lord. My He have all of the praise for the relief of my panic attacks.
I must confess. I did not believe that “Simple Breathing Exercises” would work. Over a 20 year period, I’ve ingested at least 12960 Xanax tablets not believing in breathing exercises. When I was placed into a situation where I had no medication and knew I did not have my “chill pills”, I would feel terrible panic.
I had missed my doctor’s appointment twice in a row do to my work with computers and the doctor could not prescribe any medication another month! FDA reasons.
To make a long story short, I pulled my records after a strong disagreement with him. I went home that evening thinking, “What am I going to do now?” I knew I was in a serious situation. I just knew I was going to die. Yes it was that same feeling I had twelve years earlier: I could not breath again… my neck, chest and back muscles were as tense as stone… my fingers and arms were going numb again and tingling… I was developing a bad headache… I just knew I was going to die!!!
The Xanax did not heal anything–it just suppressed the attacks. And after 12 years I knew nothing about panic attacks. I felt like I had been had.
After lying on my bed for a few hours waiting to die, I realized I was not going to die so quickly. So, I got back on my feet to walk around. Maybe I would fall onto the living room floor and my family would find me there. After another hour, I was tired of standing and pacing the floor waiting to die. So, I decided to sit down and check my e-mail. Maybe I would die sitting in front of the computer and they would all say: “At least he died happy.” (grin)
After checking my e-mail, I decided to “Search The Internet” for information on panic attacks. I wanted to know more about what was going to kill me. After 15 minutes I found “The Ponder Page”, and started reading the stories. Then I saw a section about breathing exercises. With a large gasp of air, I laughed. I started thinking, “Yea right! What a joke!”
Immediately after that “negative gasp of disbelief”, I felt a rush go through my brain. It was a great feeling. It was like someone had taken that invisible straw from my mouth that I was using to breath through. All of a sudden, I realized what was going on with me! I was suffocating. I was not breathing correctly!
I tried a few more deep slow breaths, and I was honestly “amazed” at how much better I was feeling. The more I read through the Ponder Page, the better I felt. The prayer was the best to help me relax. I learned that the Lord was there to help. And I can breath again.
I wrote this letter to amend the fact: “Breathing Exercises Do Work.” I do not need or want Xanax after 60+ days. And I know I will be okay now. My family will not find me dead, and Life is really good now. No fear anymore, and I know that I’ve got the Lord on my side to help me understand this issue.
– Tim Floyd – 12 years of panic attacks and recovered
God is awesome. I used to get panic attacks in a big way. I used to go to emergency rooms, take all kinds of tranquilizers, anti-depressants, high blood pressure medications etc. I saw all kinds of doctors from June of 1995 until October of 1997.
Then God, in His grace got ahold of my heart. I chose to trust and follow Jesus. I received The Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. Since then, I have had one attack. When we moved out of our house in January to our new house, I had literally a shoe box full of medications. I believe God had me keep all of these medications for a reason; so that I can see the pain I suffered, and with one fell swoop I threw them all in the trash. I have not even really thought about anxiety much over the past 7-8 months. However, I felt the Lord tugging at my heart, that people who are suffering from anxiety, panic and agoraphobia are vulnerable, looking for certainty about the future.
Jesus is not only all that I need, He is all that I have.
Keegan’s Story
I first started having panic attacks when I was twenty-four years old, after the birth of my son. I didn’t know what was happening to me, when, one day I had a panic attack, while I was standing outside a shop. I had the baby (then only four months old), in the pram and I just stood rooted to the ground as waves of panic and terror swept over me. I shook from head to toe, my vision blurred, I was dizzy and my heart was palpitating so fast that I thought I was having a heart attack. My stomach started churning and my legs felt like jelly. I felt hot and cold at the same time and I was convinced that I was going to faint. This made things worse as I didn’t know what would happen to my baby if I went out cold. I finally managed to get home without collapsing and even there I felt totally disorientated for hours afterwards.
From that day on my life was governed by the fear of having another attack. Every time I went out I worked myself up into such a state of anxiety that inevitably an attack would come on. I had a lot of stress in my life at that time and my doctor put me on 5mgs of Valium (very fashionable in those days). I was supposed to take the tablets three times a day but I ended up popping them like”Smarties” because the attacks came so frequently. The Agoraphobia and panic attacks became so bad that, for a number of years, I just sat in a chair most of the day because I was terrified to do anything in case the attacks got worse. I barely managed to look after the baby and do the housework and make meals for my husband.
I went on like this for some years, coping with the attacks, still having the fears but not allowing them to destroy my life. Then in January, 1984, when I was forty-one I had a spiritual experience. Up to that I wondered why God allowed me go through so much suffering and I asked Him, many times, “Why, why, why?” I asked Him did He love me at all. I was so angry with Him. I kept searching for meaning in my life amid the terror. When I had this experience the Lord showed me that He was in control and that He was looking after me. I cannot leave this part of my life out as it completed my recovery. The Lord showed me that He loves me and because He is God His love is perfect and I read in the Bible that “perfect love casts out fear,” and honestly, it is true. Now, when things are difficult, I have this inner core of peace, which is never affected by what is happening in my life. It is a new life. I commit each day to the Lord and go in His strength and He never lets me down.
“Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you” (Psalm 55:22).
Kimberly’s Story
I was so convinced that I was going crazy that I ended up in a mental health hospital for three days as Inpatient and a week for outpatient therapy. I was diagnosed with chronic panic disorder and major depressive disorder. I was placed on Paxil and Klonopin for depression and panic, respectively. But, as I started coming out of it, I came to a lot of realizations about myself and life in general. I was also told by my doctors that I was the biggest worry wart in the world. I was to the point that my usual high-spirited self wanted to just die. I felt like a black storm cloud was following me everywhere I went and I was constantly cold and shivering. I just could not keep warm in the May sunshine. I also felt like there was no purpose for me anymore and oh, the crazy irrational thoughts that raced through my head.
I had to learn to love myself again. It is scary when you do not know who you are anymore. I went to the local library and checked out all the Norman Vincent Peale’s “Positive Thinking” books I could find. I also memorized many verses from the Bible including “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). I posted these verses first on sheets of paper until I had them plastered in my mind. I also had to retrain my thinking and realize that I was not in control but that God was in control.
That has been almost two years now and I can honestly say I am happier now than I have ever been in my entire life. I made a lot of lifestyle changes including quitting a dead end job of almost 10 years and am currently going back to college to pursue a career as a special education teacher. I still have silly crazy thoughts sometimes but I have to fight them in my mind. It is almost like there is a battlefield in my mind destroying and replacing the negative thoughts with positive ones.
During the time I experienced misery and doom I would not wish upon anyone. It is not something you can just will yourself out of-it, is a real illness. But, I also believe that all things happen for a reason and had it not been for that episode in my life I would not be where I am today.
When I was released from the hospital I told my psychiatrist that I felt like a baby bird being pushed out of a nest. Now I feel like an eagle ready to soar. Yes, sometimes I think about that stuff happening to me again but, I also know that I cannot spend my life worrying about something that may not happen again. You see, I use to live my life only expecting the worst and preparing myself for only the worst. Now, I try to prepare myself for the best and you know what, I have been blessed. I was robbing my life of its joy by excessive worrying. By the grace of God, my loving and supporting family and friends, I will try my darndest to not panic and if it does happen I will always remember that “This too shall pass”.
Below are some scriptures that have helped me:
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
Joshua 1:9 “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whitersoever thou goest.”
Psalm 18:19 “He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.”
Psalm 18:33 “He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet, and setteth me upon my high places.”
Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
Psalm 30:11-12 “Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.”
Psalm 31:24 “Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.”
Psalm 40:1-3 “I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: Many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.”
Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.”
Brian’s Story
I first started experiencing these strange feelings of anxiety. I didn’t know what they were. I thought I was sick, or dying, or going crazy. Someone, I don’t remember who, suggested that my “symptoms” could be anxiety related.
That was the beginning of the road to recovery for me. First, I learned that “panic attacks” were real, and that I was not alone in experiencing them. Second, I came to the realization that God was the only one who could take them away from me. I felt as if he’d been calling to me for a long time, but I hadn’t been listening. It was if he finally said, “Look, I’m trying to get through to you here, but you’re not listening. I will make you listen.” And so I was brought to my knees in a humbling, frightening way. Well, fortunately I listened. It took me sometime to realize what I had to do, but once it hit me, the results were amazing.
God showed me in a very real way that He is the one we should depend on in all things. This isn’t limited to panic attacks, but every detail of our daily lives. My first step was to trust Him during the panic attacks, however. This isn’t as easy as it sounds, and it ended up being a true measure of my faith. I’m 25 years old, and I’ve been a Christian since the tender age of 5. I grew up in a Christian home and a good church surrounded by bible believing people. However, was my “faith” in God real? Did I really trust him? My initial bouts with panic attacks led me to believe I didn’t.
At first I thought I could angrily dispel these attacks. I thought this disorder was a result of a weakness of heart, that I was just a “frail” human being. That is how I always viewed people with a “mental disorder.” I thought that if I became angry enough with myself and my weakness during an attack I could bully my mind into being unafraid. I soon found this to be the opposite. I actually fueled the fire of each attack. Then came the night attacks. There was no defense against them. I had no strength to combat the overwhelming fear of going to sleep. I would lay in bed for what felt like hours, tossing and turning, afraid to close my eyes, my breath coming in shallow, fearful gasps. I spent many a night curled up on the bathroom floor (a place I could turn on all the lights without disturbing my wife) thinking I was going to die.
Finally I was brought to the very edge. I thought, “If every day is going to be like this, I don’t want to go on.” One night as I was laying on the bathroom floor, shivering and alone, I started to pray. I asked God to take away my fear. I begged Him, I pleaded with Him, I cried out to Him, “Lord, please take this fear away from me!” There wasn’t a big change, or some celestial light or anything, but I was able to get up, turn off the lights, and go to bed. I slept peacefully that night. I had been brought so far onto the brink of despair, I had nothing left but to trust God. And it worked! My life was different from then on.
I began to pray each time I experienced panic. I got in the habit of telling God, “Okay, you’re here. You’ve promised to never leave us, nor forsake us. You’ve told us not to worry about what we are to eat or wear. Everything is under Your control, including me. I will put my trust in You if You take away this fear.” As time went on, the fear became less and less noticeable. The attacks came less frequently. I began to read the bible (as a “deal” with God if he took away my fear). I read it each day, and every passage dealing with fear and trust stood out clearly in my mind. I soaked up every reassuring word from the Bible that I could find. Soon I had a regular arsenal to use against the fear. God has promised us time and time again that he is in control, that we are to trust Him, and to not worry. I started living that every day.
Now, a year after I first came to realize that I was suffering from panic attacks, I can go to the store without fear. I can eat in a restaurant. I can hold a normal conversation with people I don’t have much contact with. I’m still not comfortable in large crowds or having an in depth conversation with someone I hardly know, but at least I’m experiencing feelings of “normal nervousness” instead of a debilitating fear.
God went through a lot of trouble to bring me closer to Him. If it wasn’t for those panic attacks I ‘d still be stumbling along on my same old path ignoring the word of God, one of his greatest gifts to us. Now I’m in the habit of reading the word and praying each day. I have a compassion for those suffering from things that I used to dismiss as being “just in their head.” And, most importantly, I have a closer relationship with and greater trust in God. I thank Him for bringing me to the point where I had nowhere to go but to Him.
Robin’s Story
I was trying to calm myself with a warm bath when I started crying tears about my fear. I then started praying out loud and said with more conviction than in the past “Lord, I don’t have control over whether or not I am going to die, and I don’t have control over this fear. The only thing I have control over is (and I almost said ‘my worry’) but instead I instantly said, “… how much FAITH I have in YOU to take away my worry.”
Well, that was it. I didn’t see any lights and I didn’t hear any voices, but it was like……….that was it. I couldn’t “drum up” a worry anymore. It was like I could butt my ahead against the wall to try and get to a worry, but I wasn’t getting anywhere so I gave up. And then I kind of chuckled to myself and realized that I believed God actually took away my worry when I verbalized (with sincere conviction) my FAITH in his existence and ability to do good works in my life.
Bob’s Story
I recently had to fly to Atlanta and my anxiety was at the highest it had ever been. The wind was very strong that day which put thoughts in my head that I will fall out of the sky because of the wind and all I can do is focus on the anxiety building up inside.
I went to the side of my bed and got down on my knees to pray for God’s help because I was at a place where I couldn’t control my thoughts–they only focused on the airplane going down because of the wind. My wife joined me in prayer and I wept for almost an hour because I cried out to God that I was absolutely scared to death to go on the plane. I cried out to him that I didn’t know how to relax like Jesus did on the boat. I knew that if I didn’t get on the plane that my job could be in jeopardy which added additional pressure. I was at a point where I was broken down to a little child calling out to his Dad because he was scared.
Here’s where it gets a little different. As I finished my weeping I kept asking God what do I need to do to go on the plane and sleep through the storm like Jesus did on the boat. The holy spirit prompted me to confess to my wife things that I thought I had asked God for forgiveness and there was no need to tell her. I couldn’t keep it in so I confessed that I have seen pornography on the web and that I have had sex with other women in my mind. I have fallen victim a few times to visit those sites and have gone to my knees to ask forgiveness from God but it wasn’t enough in his eyes. This confession was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Because of my confession, God has healed me to a new level that I never thought possible in regards to my anxiety (fear of flying) and my relationship with my wife. My relationship has been excellent with my wife but now it is even greater. My wife took my confession and took it to God which revealed to her that she was not meeting my needs in her sexual expression with me. This is something she has had to deal with and my confession or God’s direction has taken our marriage to an area of healing and excitement because we feel we are closer than ever and that God is showing us what a true marriage is all about. I no longer have anything to hide from her and my anxiety is completely under control because I have found a new way to trust God completely. I almost fell asleep on the plane! That was how comfortable I felt knowing truly in my heart that God is in control. It’s easy to say the words, “God is in control”. But to live it is another thing and this past weekend is a victory in experiencing God’s mighty power and love. He protected me against myself from going into depression because of the anxiety and he healed our marriage that we didn’t know was hurting.
God took my confession and used that to help me against my anxiety. Wow! I had no idea that other things in my life were contributing to my anxiety. So, now I am living in peace because of a God that took time to meet me in prayer and guide me through the steps I needed to take to bring healing not only for myself, but my wife.
Jane’s Hummingbird
Yesterday, in my garage, there was a hummingbird that was trying to get out through a closed window in my garage. Man, this bird was going berserk trying to get out.. It was so tired, yet doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. To make a long story short, I asked God to let this bird out, and it did not happen, and I was mad at God.
I left for awhile and when I came back, there was no bird, but my cat was in the garage. I let the cat in and God had protected that bird. That bird kept trying to get out every way he could but the obvious way. Finally, he collapsed on the side of the garage, and I gently picked him up and took him outside where he flew away.
In sunday school today, it hit me–I was that bird, trying so hard to find my way out that I’ve worn myself out with panic, trying to flee instead of just letting go and letting God. When that bird finally sank in exhaustion, I was able to help him, just like God helps us.
I’m learning more about the dying process, so I can rid myself of the fear once and for all. Strangely, a friend of mine (Cindy) who is dying of cancer (she’s 36) has been teaching me the positive side of dying. She recommended the book: Gone from my Sight – The Dying Experience by Barbara Karnes. This book was given to her from Hospice and it actually reveals the beauty in the process. She shared with me this passage from the book:
- “I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says, ‘There, she is gone!’
‘Gone where?’
Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says: ‘There, she is gone!’ there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: ‘Here she comes!’
And that is dying.”
Isn’t this a wonderful way to look at dying.
I have been doing everything I can to be released from panic of any kind. You know how people will say: “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” Well, I used to think about all the worst things…the fear of panic, of not being able to breathe, of passing out, of dying and I believe that because I really thought about them, I began manifesting them into my life. NO MORE!!!!
My faith has grown tremendously, and now through my dear friend and sister in Christ, I am learning about dying in the real sense. The only fear she has experienced is that she would suffer long. She is having pain, the drugs are helping, but it’s all the many prayers that is comforting her during her transition. She is ready to set sail, and she probably will within 48 hours. Her courage and faith has taught me so much about life and death.
A Heartbeat Away From Panic
by Mike Downey
The first time it hit him, he was traveling along a Texas highway, listening to country music on the radio. Footloose and fancy-free, he was an early retiree of 33 who was on the road from Austin to Houston, homeward bound to his wife and young sons. He may not have been in his physical prime, but he felt fine.
Stopped for a red light in LaGrange without a care in the world, he remembers Willie Nelson singing and himself singing along. Suddenly there came a terrible pounding from his heart. His face and hands became clammy. The light turned green. A driver behind him began honking the horn.
I am about to die, he thought.
Right here behind this Chevy steering wheel. Right here by this Exxon station, where a guy with a familiar face happened to be inside the garage, tinkering with a car. Maybe he could get this guy’s attention by honking his own horn.
Then the pain stopped.
Just that fast. It came and it went. Fingers to his chest, he could feel the frog-like bounding of his heartbeat return to normal. Cars kept circling around his. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw a face that was unfamiliar to him, one reflecting fear. He drove home.
That night it happened again.
Paramedics came at 2 in the morning. Heart throbbing, he told his wife he loved her, in case time was short.
Then the pain stopped.
Doctors ran tests for a week. He was dying to know, “What’s the matter with my heart?”
Not a thing, they said.
A sausage maker now, a businessman whose profession tests his mind more than it does his body, Earl Christian Campbell rarely gets through a week without somebody bringing up his condition.
“What’s that stuff you got?” they ask.
That kills him.
“They call it ‘stuff,’ ” Campbell says. “They can’t remember what it’s called.”
It’s called panic disorder.
Those who suffer from it often don’t know themselves what to call it, or if it is inside their bodies or their heads. A recent Oscar-winning actress has it. The head of a top Beverly Hills talent agency has it. Thousands do.
First they need someone to diagnose it. Then they need to find the courage to have someone treat it.
“It’s like I heard Kim Basinger talking about it,” Campbell says on the phone from Texas. “The big problem’s being afraid of what people are going to say.
“That was my trouble, worrying about folks thinking I was crazy.”
We spend weekends in this country watching great physical specimens running fast and hard, carrying footballs. We watch idols of millions–people like Earl Campbell, who was voted most valuable player of the National Football League three times.
Some of the toughest men alive couldn’t keep Campbell from getting where he wanted to go. He had grown up strong and self-reliant in Texas, picking flowers in the rose fields. He was afraid of nothing and no one.
What happened to him at that intersection in 1988 made him afraid.
It was the first of many times over the next 11 years that a heart attack’s symptoms were upon him. Campbell’s ordeal became such that he embraced the idea of death, entertaining frequent thoughts of suicide.
He was angry and in pain.
A doctor, just doing his job, came into Campbell’s hospital room in 1988 with a clipboard and checklist. He asked if Earl did cocaine, then if Earl smoked marijuana. Earl exploded. “Get out of here before I throw you out!” he snapped, grasping the doctor by the collar.
Earl Campbell has vices. He carries a satchel everywhere he goes, containing a can of Copenhagen tobacco to put between his teeth and gums and a .357 Magnum handgun to make him feel safe on lonely Texas highways. But his idea of a strong drug was Tylenol.
His pride was offended.
It happened a second time when Campbell was referred to another doctor, who turned out to be a psychiatrist. He found this out when the doctor said it wasn’t necessary to take off his shirt.
“What am I doing in a psychiatrist’s office?” Campbell began railing.
It hurt.
For the last 11 years, with medication’s help, Campbell has been living with something that at least he can now identify. Panic disorder is a condition of acute anxiety that strikes out of the blue.
You can have a panic attack just from worrying about having a panic attack, Campbell points out.
“It doesn’t mean you’re crazy. If you refuse to get help, then you’re crazy,” he says. “Stop worrying about what is John or Jane going to think of me. What would they think of somebody who needs help and won’t get any?”
Sausage is his business today, not football, but making people understand panic disorder is his goal. Campbell, 44 now, was once at his mother’s house when his heart began to beat wildly.
“Mama!” he called out. “I’m having a panic attack!”
“OK,” she said, “go ahead.”
Earl can laugh at this now. But when he thinks of others who suffer as he does, without knowing why, he stops laughing. It hurts just thinking about it.
Reprinted with the permission of the author.
Daniel’ Story
I am 22 and had experienced panic attacks for about two months. At its peak, I was thinking to myself, “When will I ever get out of this? I don’t want to live like this all the days of my life!” and saw no light. Before that, I was an active, outgoing individual, but all of a sudden, I was overwhelmed by all the fear and anxiety for no apparent reason. I could not understand what happened. It was a dark phase in my life, a struggle that I went through, as if my familiar world had crashed on me.
I came across books that dealt with the subject, I visited the doctor a number of times and underwent counselling sessions, but the Word of God was the key factor that pulled me through. Like Brian and Kimberly, I would like to encourage those who are challenged by panic attacks to pick up Bible verses such as 2 Tim 1:7, Isa 41:10, 13, 43:1-2, Psa 34:4 and highlight or write them down. These are but some of the verses that helped me re-orientate my perspectives. The Psalms, for example, has many verses of the Lord being our stronghold and refuge.
I would further encourage speaking these verses out into the situation. When the waves of fear and anxiety starts to rise, it helps to recite out those verses, because fear cannot be reasoned away. I could say it aloud when I am alone; I could say it under my breath if there are people around, but I find it important to just verbalise it again and again to remind myself of what God’s Word has said, and let my heart slowly take faith in those verses. It may be simple, but that helped me a lot.
I was also encouraged by the stories on this webpage. I also thank the Lord for bringing precious friends into my life to give me support through that dark journey.
You will pull through too!
Put your faith in God
Sometimes, your fears may overwhelm you to the point that you feel like giving up. When this happens, the next step is to put your faith in God. Using the help of God can make a big difference in overcoming your fears, anxieties, and depression.
The one source that a person should use as a basis in managing their fears and anxieties is using God as a basis in dealing with their fears. The power of God is the one power that is stronger than your fears and anxieties. Also, God loves each one of us and he is the one person who has the power to solve all of our problems. He will help you if you ask him to.
Start talking and praying to God. A person can go to church or to a quiet place during the day to tell God that they are having a problem. They should tell God how they feel and ask God for some of his help. A person could also review the Bible and read some articles on trusting in God and then apply these concepts in their life. Each and every day, a person should make it up a habit to talk to God and ask for his help.
In addition, learn as much as you can in managing anxiety and depression. There are many books and information that will educate you on how to deal with fear and anxiety. Share this information with others who may be able to help you. Education is the key in finding the answers your looking for in managing your fears.
Think positive. A good way to manage your fear is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make you feel fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.
In every anxiety-related situation you experience, begin to learn what works, what doesn’t work, and what you need to improve on in managing your fears and anxieties. For instance, you have a lot of anxiety and you decide to take a walk to help you feel better. The next time you feel anxious you can remind yourself that you got through it the last time by taking a walk. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety the next time around.
Sometimes, it helps to be able to talk to someone about our stressful situations. Talking to a trusted friend, counselor, or clergyman can not only make us feel better, but they might be able to give you additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. Getting help from a professional will make this entire process easier and will increase your chances of success.
Remember that God is stronger than your fears and anxieties. Be persistent and be open in the avenues that God may provide to you in solving your problem. It is not always easy, however God is in control and he will help you if you ask him.
BIOGRAPHY: Stan Popovich is the author of A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods – an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to: http://www.managingfear.com
Healed and Delivered
Greetings from Borneo (Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia)
I had a spiritual attack right after my mum accepted Christ sometimes beginning of 2012. It all began with a bad flu and cough. I consulted several Drs but their medication did not work. I had a lot of mucous in my chest. On day, I was almost chocked to death and I was already sitting on the toilet floor as I was not able to breath. I knew I was going to die.. In my mind I am calling out to Jesus for help. I struggle to call out his name. It was difficult as I could not breath… I managed to whisper his name… Jesus!! And I breath. My choking happens a couple of time. Every time I struggle to call Jesus and every time I breath when I call out Jesus.
I also had anxiety attack! I had a lot of fear. Fear of eating because I always had a “lump in the throat” feeling. So I ate very little and very slowly. Fear of driving because I thought I was going to faint any minute… Fear of talking too much because I thought I wouldn’t be able to breath. I sleep sitting up. I though I was going crazy. I had to put up a strong front as I do not want anybody to know what’s happening to me. I am heading the sales department of a 243 rooms hotel. Its a busy job. I cannot let people know that I am sick. I was struggling inside. It was very difficult.
I had chest pain. My chest pain caused me to think that I am having heart problem. I visited many Drs. Drs said I am fine – just some reflux. I did not believe him, so I asked him to do test on me. Result was fine. He gave me tranquilizer and muscle relaxant. Took it for 2 days – had so much side effect that I decided not to take it. I decided that only God can help me. So I pray…. Pray hard as my life depended on it. I fasted for a week – was difficult because the attack got worse – every time at 3pm in the afternoon, the breathlessness comes and I started panicking as I have to drive home at 5pm. I wanted to give up on my fast. But I did not. I pressed on. I also sing praise songs and claim as many healing scripture as I can get my hands on. As I had reflux, I control my diet and only eat food that helps in the reflux.
I searched for healing scriptures and panic attack related website and found yours. It helped me tremendously and I was soo relieved to know that I am not alone suffering this sickness.
In the midst of that, I started attending Blessed Church Kuching prayer meeting/healing sessions every sataurday evening. During of one of those Sat, God spoke to me though the Pastor. He said he sense a huge unusual fear in the congregation. Fear of going out of the house etc etc. I knew right away he was talking about me. I was sooo touched that God cared that much about me to reach out to me through Pastor Lim. During the same evening, while we were all praying in tongues, I sense a warm feeling from my left shoulder down to my finger. And I was also hit by holy laughter at the same time. God gave me His Joy in the midst of my fear.
I declared that I was totally healed on 27th August 2012. I want to thank you for your website as it was a tremendous help during my trials.