Two men stood at the foot of a bridge. “It looks sturdy,” declared the younger man. “I am sure it will hold us when we cross. There should be no problem. Look at that reliable construction. Look at the width of those wood beams. I am sure it will be fine.”
The other man just stood there quietly for a few seconds. Then he headed out across the bridge.
Let me ask you a question: which one had faith that the bridge was strong enough to hold him? Was it the one who professed it was sturdy or the one who walked across?
Faith is more than just believing. It is more than just confessing. Faith is putting into action what we believe. It’s not just waiting around for God to come down and zap us. If we never act upon what we believe, then we are not expressing our faith. We can talk all day about God’s strength and protection, but if we never act on it–if we never step out–our faith is dead.
“Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:15-17).
Many people “talk the talk,” but fewer “walk the walk.” When trials come, faith will be tested. My faith was tested a few years ago. I boldly declared my confidence in God. But, when trouble hit, my life crumbled. My faith proved to be nothing more than a vain declaration. I really didn’t believe what I was saying.
Today, I am able to act upon my faith in God. When the fear comes crashing in, I don’t obey it. Instead I obey God. I believe he will protect me and keep me safe. I put my faith into action by consciously choosing to rest in that belief. I walk across that bridge instead of just talking about it.
You may ask, “Where do I start? How can I believe God’s promises? How can I express my faith?”
Begin by praying for faith–faith to respond to God’s promises. Read the Bible to learn more about those promises and God’s faithfulness. Unlike that bridge, God will not sway or break. Our Father is strong and steadfast. He is faithful. He will never fail you.
Prayer: Father, there may have been times that I have professed my faith in you only to fail you. I ask that you would give me the courage and strength to stand in faith–to trust you no matter what comes my way.