Is time travel really possible? Physically, no. But traveling back and forth through time mentally is a common experience for many of us.
The past haunts many. For some, the past holds memories of wounds that have yet to heal. For others, it may be full of guilt and shame. The past can be a closet full of uninvited thoughts. When you open the door to that closet, you focus your attention on the “should have’s” and “could have’s.”
The future can be a fearful place to live, as well. The bombardment of “what if’s” wreaks havoc in your mind when you live for tomorrow. No one knows what will happen tomorrow or the next day, or the next. The future is a dark tunnel, never allowing you to see what lies ahead.
We can only truly live in the present. There is no way to physically escape it. No matter where you are or what time it is, it is always “now.” The only time, the only breath, the only heartbeat you are guaranteed is the one you have right this instant.
God calls us to live in the present–physically and mentally. He does not want our minds drifting off into our forgiven past or wandering away into our unknown future. He wants us to focus on today. He wants us to listen to his voice today.
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has trouble enough of its own” (Matthew 6:34).
Prayer: Father, cleanse me from the sins and heal me from the wounds of my past. Rescue me from the worries of the future, that I may take one day at a time, saying, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”