It was early Sunday morning, and something strange had happened. The women who had followed Jesus during his ministry had brought a report that his body was no longer in the tomb. Not only that, these women had seen angels and reported that Jesus was alive!
“How could it be?” Cleopas argued with his friend. They had followed Jesus throughout his ministry.
It was only about a two hour walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. The thoughts must have raced through their minds. After all, they had envisioned the Messiah as a great ruler and king over all the earth. This Jesus, though, was just like any other man. Yet, he was different. He spoke with power and authority. People’s lives were changed with just one look into his eyes. The blind could see. The lame could walk.
“What are you talking about?” asked the curious stranger. Jesus joined them as the traveled down the dusty road, but they did not recognize him.
“Are you visiting Jerusalem that you’ve not heard about this Jesus of Nazareth?” they questioned him.
Beginning with Moses and the prophets, Jesus opened to them the scriptures. he must have shared story after story about the suffering Messiah, and God’s plan for man. The two-hour journey must have been the most wonderful Bible study a person could have ever had.
Yet, as Jesus brought to life the Word of God, these two men could not even see the Word of God standing before them. They could not see him. Their natural eyes were open, but not their spiritual eyes.
They completed their journey, and Jesus joined them for dinner. As Jesus broke the bread, the men’s eyes were opened and they recognized him. Immediately, he disappeared.
“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked with us by the way, while he opened to us the scriptures?” (Luke 24:32).
I find it so amazing that Jesus, the living Word of God, taught these men himself, but they could not recognize him. Yet, when the time was right, they could see.
Today, let Jesus open your eyes to see beyond what our natural eyes can see. Is not your heart burning to know him more? Let him open up the scriptures to you.
Prayer: Lord, open the eyes of my heart.