It was a typical Saturday for me. With little time during the week to accomplish my weekly tasks, I usually cram them all into about 10 hours on Saturday. This day was no different. As soon as I woke, the computer was on and I was paying bills, answering emails and tweaking the website.
In between my various computer tasks, I would run around the house doing other tasks. After a quick burrito for lunch, I was back at it. Run some errands, practice my golf game, get a haircut. Back-to-back tasks. No stopping for a break.
When I got home at 4:30, it was time to get ready for church. As I was getting ready, I wanted to start slowing down, but there was one problem. I couldn’t. My mind was in multitask mode, my body in adrenaline mode. I physically and emotionally couldn’t slow down.
Throughout the day, I could hear God’s still, small voice speaking to me, “Russ, you need to slow down and spend some time with me.” I know I heard it. In fact, I heard it more than once. But in my mind, I had too many things to do. Taking 15 minutes to slow down and pray was a waste of time. Or, so I thought.
I heard my Father’s voice, drawing me into a quiet, peaceful experience with him, but I didn’t listen to him. Had I taken the time to listen carefully, I would have been well equipped for the onslaught of fear and anxiety that hit. I’m sure of it. My Father has given me his strength through these fearful situations time and time again.
It is so important for us to take time everyday to sit still and listen to that heavenly Voice of our Father, especially when we’re in adrenaline mode. God has so much he wants to speak to us–good things, peaceful things, even warnings.
Taking time to listen is very important. If each one of you would take time to listen to your Father through the Holy Spirit, then the peace and healing power of Jesus would begin working through your body and mind. And it’s more than just hearing–it’s listening, doing and obeying what God is saying to you.
“See to it that you obey God, the one who is speaking to you” (Hebrews 12:25).
Prayer: Help me slow down and listen. Father, I know you speak every minute of everyday. Help us to listen to your voice guide us into peace and rest.