Season of Grace
Finding Freedom from Panic Attacks, Fear and Anxiety.
Since I was a teenager, I struggled with crippling panic attacks, anxiety and fear. For decades, this fear controlled my life. It told me what I could and couldn’t do. It kept me trapped in a cycle of anxiety, fear and constant dread of another attack.
I wanted to be free. I had to be free!
I started digging deep into this idea of total, complete freedom — the kind of freedom that you didn’t have to worry about another attack, or all the things you couldn’t do.
The journey was absolutely amazing! Today I am completely free from the panic attacks and fear that controlled my life for years. I am free! And, I am 100% convinced that you can be free too.
This book documents my journey to freedom. I share practical steps on how to deal with panic attacks, and how to stop them. I talk about the mental and emotional aspects of fear, and how I managed it. And, I share about the finished work of Christ, and how God’s grace opened the door to true, lasting freedom.
I know that this book can be an incredible resource on your journey to freedom. I hope you find it encouraging and helpful!
Here’s where you can order the book:
- eBook: Amazon Kindle eBook or B&N eBook for Nook
- Print: Amazon Print Version or B&N Print Version
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book!