A lady wrote to me once and shared a wonderful story:
There was a hummingbird trying to get out of my garage through a closed window. This bird was going berserk trying to get out. It was so tired, yet this little bird continued doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I left for awhile and came back. The bird kept trying to get out every way he could. Finally, he collapsed on the side of the garage. I gently picked him up and took him outside where he flew away.
I think this story illustrates exactly what we go through with anxiety and panic attacks. We are trapped in this “garage” of terror and torment. We desperately peck at every ray of hope trying to escape these fearful thoughts.
So many times, we do the same old thing, over and over, trying in vain to deal with our condition. We push, strive, avoid, cope, adjust, numb, run, scream, plead–anything to stop the onslaught of fear. But, we labor in vain, it seems. It reminds me of an old Chinese Proverb:
If we do not change direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.
We must be willing to change. I think the only way to real peace is in the hands of our Father. You can work hard in your own strength and efforts, much like the bird, where you become totally exhausted. Or, you can surrender all to God and trust his loving hands to carry you to his place of freedom.
I believe with all of my heart that God desires to pick you up in your “garage of fear” and take you to a place where there is no fear–to a place of total peace and freedom. With the help of God, all things are possible.
“Blessed be the Lord, who did not let their teeth tear us apart! We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap is broken, and we are free! Our help is from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth” (Psalm 124:6-8).
Prayer: Father, I feel so trapped at times. My heart races. My mind spins out of control. Lord, pick me up and carry me out of this place of panic and carry me to a place of peace. Pop-Rock Progressive Psychedelic