For each and every one of you reading this, thank you! You are a testimony to God’s faithfulness in my life. Let me explain.
In May of 1996, I received my first email from a lady struggling with panic attacks. The subject of the email read: “I would like to talk about panic disorder”. I had just posted my story on the Internet, and a few people started writing to me. They wanted to talk with me about what I was going through.
At that point in my life, the anxiety, panic and sleepless nights were at an all-time high. It was very difficult for me to drive or be alone. Going to bed at nights was especially a challenge.
But, I shared my story anyway. I didn’t want to, especially since I was still battling the fear at time. It was a deep struggle within my soul. “But, I’m not free yet. No one will listen to me. Maybe I should wait for the right time, the perfect opportunity to share my story.”
I wanted to wait. I wanted to hold back and only start this endeavor after everything was in place, after I was totally free, after the testimony in my life was strong and founded. But, I pressed on in faith. Things began to grow. The Season of Peace was birthed. Today, that single testimony on the Internet has grown into a full, non-profit Internet-based ministry. That one single correspondence in 1996 has grown to over a thousand weekly subscribers today.
If I had waited for that perfect moment, that right time, that opportune season to share my story, I would still be waiting. There would be no weekly message, no devotional being published, no Internet ministry, no website, nothing. Today, I’m free. Today, fear no longer has any control over my life. Panic attacks are a thing of the past. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).
Let me ask you. Are you waiting for that perfect opportunity to go back to school, start a family, write a book, change careers, compose a song, start a business? What exactly are you waiting for? Don’t let fear keep you from experiencing all that God has for you. Don’t let the risk of failure keep you from risking at all.
It’s a lot like receiving Christ into your heart. If you were to wait until your life is perfect, holy and sinless before you invited Jesus into your life, then you would still be waiting on your deathbed, for it is Christ within us that makes us perfect, holy and sinless. God says to you, “Choose today whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15).
Today, ask your Father for the strength and endurance to step out into what he is calling you to do. Start with something small, and let him bring it to life. “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin” (Zechariah 4:10a).
Prayer: Father, give me your strength today in Christ, the strength that empowers to walk in victory and freedom, for I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.