My wife just shared this devotional with me. It’s from Joyce Meyer, and wow, is it so true! Be encouraged!
Let God Be God of the Present
Some trust in and boast of chariots and some of horses, but we will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God.
There are many facets of faith. The most brilliant facet, however, is trust!
Trust is something we have, and we decide what to do with it. We decide in whom or in what to put our trust.
We must remember Who delivered us in the past and know Who will deliver us in current troubles, then take our trust and put it in the right place, which is in God alone.
Trust has certain identifying characters. Trust is not upset, because it has entered into God’s rest. Trust is not confused, because it has no need to lean to its own understanding. Trust does not indulge in carnal reasoning, it lets God be God.
In whom have you placed your trust? In what have you placed your trust? Is your trust in your job, employer, bank account, natural talents, or friends?
Perhaps your trust is in yourself, your past record of successes, education, or possessions. All of these things are temporal. They are subject to change. Only the Lord changes not. He alone is the Rock that cannot be moved.
Choose to place your trust in God. It requires a greater faith, but it pays outstanding dividends.
Say This: “I trust in the Lord with all of my heart and mind. I will not rely on my own insight or understanding.”