“Does God laugh? In spite of all that is wrong in this world, I believe he does–and it is into the “everyday” of our lives that he offers the hilarious wet kiss of coincidence or soft, sweet whisper of peace. The only requirement from us, it would seem, is that we ‘listen’ from time to time…”
Romance is fleeting, but love is long.
Romance is flying, but love is a safe landing.
Romance seeks perfection, but love forgives faults.
Romance anguishes as it waits for the phone to ring
to bring a voice that says sweet things,
but love is the anguish of waiting for a call
that assures you someone else is safe and happy.
Romance is suspense, anticipation and surprise,
but love is dependability.
Romance is dancing in the moonlight, gazing deep into desired eyes,
but love is saying, “You’re tired, honey, I’ll get up this time.”
Romance is delicious, but love nourishes.
Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or irritated or sore or disappointed. It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me and when I am blamed or despised. It is to have a blessed hope in the Lord, where I can go in and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret, and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmness when all around and above is trouble.
yeah for dogs
When you are in a bad mood or irritated, always remember to be the person your dog thinks you are.
my vision
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that thou art:
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.