We’ve spent the last four months in a series called Freedom from Fear. In these 16 messages, I shared much of my own journey towards freedom and the truths I’ve learned along the way. I believe freedom from fear is available to everyone crippled by this condition, and the key is Truth. John 8:32 says clearly that “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Knowing Truth is the key to freedom.
Next week, I’ll be starting a new series called The Love of God, but before jumping into the new series, I’d like to summarize our past messages on the Freedom from Fear series.
We started with The Foundation, and it’s simply this: God is for you. The enemy hates you and wants you to stay crippled in fear, but Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly (John 10:10).
Next, we talked about Focus, which can be summarized with this statement: what you choose to focus on organizes your life. If you focus on fear, then fear organizes your life. But, Jesus calls us to “seek first the Kingdom” so that the Kingdom will organize our life. As we learn to focus on the right thing, we must also draw our strength from The Right Source. The key to freedom is using the right tool in the right way.
The next three messages focused on the root of fear. First, we need to Find the Cause of our fear. Treating fear is only treating the symptom. To deal with it effectively, you must dig it out from the roots, which are often based on lies from the enemy. We must Recognize the Lies and Find the Truth. When we replace those lies with truth, freedom comes naturally.
To effectively recognize lies and replace them with truth, it’s absolutely essential that we hear God. Hearing God’s Voice is the key to freedom. We must learn to recognize Who is Speaking into our thoughts, and then learn to take those thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
We must also learn to see beyond our natural senses and See with our Spiritual Eyes. All too often, we focus on the things of this world and do not focus on the Kingdom of God. So often we can miss God at work in our lives because we are consumed with the things of this world. As we open our spiritual eyes, we soon recognize that we are in a Spiritual War and the enemy has targeted us. Learning to wage war according to the Bible will help us be victorious over fear.
One way to wage war and overcome fear is to understand What you already have in Christ. When you begin to understand and believe that you are a child of God, and you already have a Godly inheritance and Godly power available to you today, then freedom is quick to follow. Understanding these truths will produce hope, and Having Hope will not disappoint.
Another key aspect to freedom is Learning to Surrender. Simply put, our lives are not our own. If we try to save our lives, we will lose them, but if we lose them for the sake of Christ, then we will find true life (Matthew 16:25). Surrender also helps us to Learn how to be Still. Being still before God gives us an opportunity to hear him more clearly.
And finally, I shared on the Power of our Words. What we speak aloud has spiritual and supernatural impact. Our words can loose and bind the heavenly realms. We must guard our mouths against words that would tear down and destroy, and we must speak and declare God’s truths.
Thanks for joining me on this journey to freedom. Please write or post comments about what you learned in these messages. I look forward to hearing from you.