The Lord used a wayward prophet’s donkey to speak and get his attention. Recently, the Lord used some fictitious underwater sea creatures to get mine.
In the previous message, we laid some spiritual ground work to help you understand that deep rooted lies are the seed of the pain and fears we face. To recap, Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). If knowing the truth sets you free, then believing a lie will keep you from being free.
When presented with such “simple” truths, we may ask ourself: When did I agree with a lie? I would not have done that. Why would I agree with a lie? It sure seemed like the truth.
Our primary battle occurs in our thought life. What I believe to be true about God, others, and myself, shape my interpretation of life’s events, and the meaning I assign to them. My thought life is the battleground. Do my thoughts obey and represent Christ in me?
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 states it like this: “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ”.
When I take a thought captive to obey, I must recognize the source from which it originated. Whom was it born from? Was it truth that originates with Jesus and what he is speaking to me through his Spirit, or is it a lie from the father of lies?
Thoughts are always drifting through our minds at any given moment. Thoughts that come from a bad experience are often used by the enemy to create lies in our minds. Whether it’s a subtle word spoken in anger or maybe something more traumatic, truths and lies will swirl around in our thoughts seeking a place to land, giving me the opportunity to interpret God, others, myself and the meaning of that experience. It is at those times that I am most vulnerable to agree with the lies.
As I was learning to recognize the lies in my life, an example of the battle for my mind was discovered one day while watching cartoons with my children. Yes, a spiritual truth was shown to me by an “absorbent and yellow and porous” sea sponge named Spongebob Squarepants.
In this video clip, the “truths” that Spongebob and his friend Patrick are passing to each other through “bubbles” are meant for each other. Just as the Spirit speaks to me, telling me my Father’s purposes and plans for me as shown through Jesus, so these two friends were speaking to each other. But there is another voice. Squidward, intercepts the friendly messages and substitutes his “lies” to change Spongebob and Patrick’s perception of each other and even their friendship. I too have another voice and source of thoughts, which drift through my mind. He has lies to bind me into traps and painful ways of thinking about God, others, and myself. And, these lies always sound like my own voice.
I want to encourage you this week to start asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the sources of your thoughts. Jesus told us that the Spirit would guide us into all truth (John 16:13). Ask him to show you if there are any lies at work in your life that may be causing you fear or pain. Ask him to show you any ungodly agreements you may have made.
Prayer: “Holy Spirit, teach me to recognize the lies that present themselves as truth. Give me understanding of the source of the thoughts that drift through my mind. Give me strength in the battle for my mind to bring thoughts to obedience by agreeing with truth and not lies.”