As a kid, I would lie in bed at nights pondering things like death and eternity, and it would terrify me into total panic. My mind could not comprehend eternity, and I guess it just “blew a fuse” when I started thinking about it.
There were times that death didn’t scare me so much–it was what came after death that really scared me. I learned that death is not so much the end of life–rather, the beginning of eternity. And according to the Bible, there are ultimately two places where you will reside: heaven or hell.
Of course, heaven sounded wonderful: peace, joy, no pain, no suffering, no tears. I saw heaven as eternity in the presence God, in the presence of Peace. But, hell scared me. In fact, it would create total panic and fear in me. “Was I going to hell? Was I beyond forgiveness? Maybe God won’t forgive me.” Thoughts flooded my mind as the fear grew.
Even when I began to study hell, I was amazed at what I learned. I had pictured it as a place where the devil would rule and reign over all the evil people. I saw hell the way painters and artists saw it–a place of red and orange fire where the devil is tormenting everyone.
The Bible showed me a different picture of hell–a place of total darkness (Matthew 22:13). There is no light, no way to see anything. And yes, there will be fire–a lake of fire according to Revelation 20:15, but you just won’t see anything within the thickness of the dark. Also, the devil won’t be the ruler in hell as most people imagine. He will be tormented day and night (Revelation 20:10).
But the scariest thing about hell was this: it will be a place of total fear for all eternity. It will be an eternal panic attack. This is terrifying! The Bible says “perfect love cast out all fear” (1 John 4:18). In hell, you will be separated from God, separated from the perfect Love that casts out all fear. The result is total fear in total darkness for all eternity.
You may say, “But God is a God of love and he doesn’t want anyone to go to hell.” YES! You are right. God does not want anyone to spend eternity in hell. He wants us to have peace and life and joy with him in heaven. That’s why he sent his son Jesus to die for you–to give you eternal life, not eternal death. Salvation is a free gift to all who will receive it. It can’t be earned. It is not something you are born with. It is a choice. It is your choice.
After reading the Bible and committing my life to Christ, I became confident that I will spend eternity in heaven. I look forward to an eternal life with my Father, living in peace, with no fear, no panic, no pain. I share this message for one reason: to give you hope that in Christ, you can know you are going to heaven. With the seal of the Holy Spirit on your soul, you can be guaranteed salvation from hell according to the Bible (2 Corinthians 1:22).
If you don’t know for sure you are going to heaven, then you can pray a prayer like this: “Dear Lord, please forgive me of my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I know that I have done some wrong things in my life. Today, I choose to turn away from those things, and turn my life towards you. I confess that I am sinner, and I need Jesus to save me. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may experience peace and confidence–confidence that I am going to heaven. I place all of my trust in you, Lord. Save me from my sins, save from myself, save me from hell. Lord, I ask these things in Jesus name! Amen.”
If you prayed that prayer, please let me know. I’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions about heaven or hell, please feel free to ask. I would love to share what I have learned and what the Bible says about our eternal destination. I really do care about you, and I share this message out of my love for you. It is my desire that you may experience eternal life in heaven. Hallelujah!