Have courage for the great sorrows of life
and patience for the small ones.
And when you have finished your daily task
go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
song in the night
Oh Lord my God, when the storm is loud, and the night is dark, and the soul is sad, and the heart oppressed; then, as a weary traveler, may I look to you; and beholding the light of your love, may it bear me on, until I learn to sing your song in the night.
Between yesterday’s regret and tomorrow’s dream lies today’s opportunity.
- I’m waiting in a quiet room.
The crowds have all gone home.
I’m standing by the door now,
I had to come alone.
I long to live the life that’s mine,
the one that bears my name,
the one that’s true–
that comes from you
and returns to you again.
he knows
God’s approval is based on what we can bear. He will allow us to be pushed to the building point, but not the breaking point. It’s a little like weightlifting. Too much weight will crush us, but greater weight than we have lifted before is needed to make us stronger. Only the Lord knows the difference, and He filters every additional load.