As the last message in our "Renewing the Mind" series, I want to focus on a very important truth: in Christ, you are God's child."To all who believed him and accepted [Jesus], he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12).We've … [Continue reading] about Renewing the Mind: I am God’s Child
Renewing the Mind: I can be Free
by Russ Pond
When it comes to struggling with anxiety, fear and panic attacks, freedom can feel so elusive. After years of counseling, therapy, medication, prayer, fighting, surrendering, and other attempts to get free, nothing changes. Despair and discouragement … [Continue reading] about Renewing the Mind: I can be Free
Renewing the Mind: Learning how to Surrender
by Russ Pond
For those struggling with anxiety and panic attacks, it often feels like we have to carry the weight, fight the good fight and be strong. While all that may sound good, even Biblical, I believe it's one of the key reasons why we can't get free. We … [Continue reading] about Renewing the Mind: Learning how to Surrender
Renewing the Mind: I can overcome Fear
by Russ Pond
To continue the series on renewing the mind, I want to help you understand that you can overcome fear. You really can!You may have said to yourself, "It is just too much" or "I don't see how it's possible." You need to renew your mind to believe … [Continue reading] about Renewing the Mind: I can overcome Fear
Renewing the Mind: God is Not Punishing Me
by Russ Pond
For many years, I often thought that the fear, anxiety and panic attacks I experienced were the result of God's punishment. Surely, God was mad at me and I was deserving of such punishment. I would often quote Paul, "Oh, wretched man that I am!" … [Continue reading] about Renewing the Mind: God is Not Punishing Me
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